Gonzalo Santos
Frontend developer at EYSA
Creating captivating web experiences by synergizing frontend craftsmanship and UX/UI design expertise.
My journey towards Frontend development materializes here with some of my projects. From the most recent to the ones I made when I was just starting.
Car Rental Showcase
My first project made entirely with TypeScript. Fetching cars information from RapidAPI and 3D car models from Imagin Studio API.
Personal Portfolio v2
The newest version of my personal porftolio. Deployed on Vercel.
Desahógate (Unburden Yourself)
Created with Next.js, MongoDB and NextAuth, it is a web app where you can see and filter posts created by people who need to get things off their chests.
With light and dark mode, you can click on a post to send messages of encouragement and chat with the author and anyone who wants to send a message. Registration is required to post and comment.
Job search app
Developed with MERN stack and Socket.io. Users will receive an email when the status of their application changes and can also chat with the recruiter via live chat.
Apart from the business logic, I've created a REST API with NodeJS, MongoDB, Express and Mongoose to store the data of users, companies and offers. Both candidates and companies have their credentials encoded using JWT.
Personal Portfolio v1
Simple SPA built with React as a bootcamp project learning how to use props and hooks, aswell as UX/UI practice.
Front-end project involving the Pokémon API. Additionally, you can play Whack-a-Mole! 💥